I.T. Help Page

Help Guide: Setup the Satchel One (Show My Homework) app on your smartphone

Important Information for students having issues signing-In to their Satchel One app.

If you are having issues signing-in to your Satchel One app on your smartphone then the simplest method to resolve this issue is to uninstall the Satchel One app and follow the below procedure to install it again.

  1. Open the App Store or Google Play Store

  • Ensure your smartphone is connected to the Internet.

  • Search for and launch the App Store (for Apple Smartphones) or the Google Play Store (for Android Smartphones) app on your Smartphone.

  • Or you can click the above Get it on Google Play or Download on the App Store icons if you are browsing this page on your smartphone.

Android Smartphones
Apple iOS Smartphones

2. Search for the 'Satchel One' app and click Install

      • Click the install button or icon to install the app on your phone.

      • Once the app is installed it will place the icon on your home screen or the app drawer (Android)

Android Smartphones
Apple iOS Smartphones

3. Launch the 'Satchel One' app

      • Find the newly installed app on your phone and launch it to begin the sign-in process.

Android Smartphones
Apple iOS Smartphones

4. Search for and Select "Gladesmore Community School"

      • In the search box enter 'Gladesmore Community School' and click the search icon

      • You will see a list of schools, select 'Gladesmore Community School N15 6EB'

Android Smartphones
Apple iOS Smartphones

5. Select 'Sign in with Google'

      • Click 'Sign in with Google'

      • If you are not already signed-in with your school email then enter your school email and password. This will be in the format: username@gladesmorestudent.com

Android Smartphones
Apple iOS Smartphones

6. Ensure your email is correct and click Allow

      • Ensure you can see the correct email in the highlighted section.

      • If you are seeing another other account that is not @gladesmorestudent.com then the best method to resolve this issue is to uninstall the app and start again.

Android Smartphones
Apple iOS Smartphones

7. You're all set!

      • You are now ready to see your and submit your homework assignments assigned to you by your teachers.

      • Follow the below video from Satchel One on how to submit your work online.

Android Smartphones
Apple iOS Smartphones

8. Watch the Satchel One guide on how submit your homework online

      • The link will take you to Satchel One's help page where the video is at the bottom of the page.

Important Information for Huawei Smartphones

As of May 2019. The United States Government restricted US software companies from dealing with Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. This means that Huawei smartphones manufactured after this date do not come preloaded with the Google Play Store or Google Apps such as Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Maps, etc.
If you purchased a Huawei smartphone after May 2019 you will have only have access to Huawei's own alternatives to the Google Playstore and Google Apps however some alternatives necessary for your education do not exist on Huawei's platform, such as Google Classroom, Google Meet, Satchel One (ShowMy Homework) or SIMS Student.