I.T. Help Page

Help Guide: Satchel One (Show My Homework) Setup

  1. Browse to the Satchel One website and click 'Sign in with Google'


2. Sign in using your school email and password

      • Sing in using your School Email. The first part of your email will be the same as your School PC Username followed by @gladesmorestudent.com

      • Click Next and Enter your Password

      • (If this is the first time you've signed in Click on 'Accept' to the Google Terms and Conditions)

3. The To-Do List

      • As soon as you sign-in you will see the To-Do page.

      • The To-Do page has two sections:

        • Issued: This will show you all the work assigned to you by your teacher and the date it is due. You will find this is broken down into sections. Some sections will be named such as 'Past due', 'This Week', 'Later'. Anything under the 'Past due' section is overdue and needs to be completed and handed in as per your teachers instructions. Anything under the 'This week' or the 'Later' section, is the homework assigned by your teacher that is outstanding although not yet due - ensure to always check when your homework is due in and to complete your homework well before the due date. Click on any of the work due to see full details of the instructions given to you by your teacher.

        • Completed: This section will list all the work you have submitted.

4. Assigned Homework, Description Page

      • When you click on any Assigned Homework you will be taken to the Description page of the selected homework. Here you will find what your given task along with full instructions provided by your teacher. Your teacher may attach any helpful resources in the Resources to help you section that may guide you in your assignment.

      • You can either download your given resource, view it online. If you wish to print your homework description click the Actions button and select Print Homework

5. Submitting Your Homework

      • Each assigned homework will be different. Your teacher may ask you to hand in your homework in class or submit it online via the Satchel One portal. Most homework is to be handed in class.

      • If your homework is to be handed in class ensure you have completed the homework as per you teachers instructions and hand it in before the date it is due.

      • If your homework is to be submitted online via the Satchel One portal then click on your assigned Homework and select the Submit page. Click on Add Attachments select and upload your homework. You may wish to give a description to your teacher when you submit, this is up to you. Once you're ready click Submit Assignment to teacher.

6. The Calendar View

      • On the left hand pane you will find Calendar

      • This page will give you an overview of the weeks ahead or past for the homework assigned to you, you can scroll by using the left and right blue arrows next to the date. It is a useful view to see how much homework you have to plan your work accordingly before they are due.

      • Click on the Homework Key to give you an idea of what each colour coded bar represents. Green is for Homework, Orange is a Quiz, etc.

      • The School Calendar page will give you an overview of all homework due - many may not be relevant to you so always check your homework under your My Calendar section

6. The Gradebook

      • On the left hand pane you will find Gradebook

      • The Gradebook will show you all your submitted homework over time along with the status and the grade it was marked at by your teacher. Clicking on any of the submitted work will take you into the details of your work where your teacher may have posted a comment.

      • You can use the filters at the top to narrow down your search by Class, Teacher, Status or you can manually search if you know the name of the homework you are looking for.

7. Logout when you are done

      • Always ensure you log out by hitting the Logout button on the left hand pane when you are finished with Satchel One.

8. Watch the Satchel One guide on how submit your homework online

      • The link will take you to Satchel One's help page where the video is at the bottom of the page.

There are many other features on Satchel One, ensure to be curious and discover to see what other useful features you may find.