I.T. Help Page

Help Guide: Get Microsoft Office 365 on your Personal Computer

As a student of Gladesmore Community School you have access to Microsoft Office 365 licencing.  This licence is assigned to your school email and allows you to download a desktop version of Office 365 on your personal Microsoft Windows or Apple MacOS devices. The licence is valid for the duration of your enrolment at Gladesmore. 

Follow the below instructions to install. This guide is for the Windows operating system however the install process for Apple MacOS is highly similar.

2. Click Install Microsoft 365 Apps

3. Launch the OfficeSetup Application

4. Allow the installer to finish Installing Office

5. Once Installed, Launch Word

6. Sign-in to Office

7. Finish the Installation

Ensure not to save your documents on your school email One Drive account. Ideally keep your school work saved on your Google Drive to avoid any mix-ups.